The hardtail that changed trail bikes for good

From the roots of the trail rider’s favorite steel hardtail comes a wide-ranging collection of nimble and capable Honzo bikes, from the race-ready Honzo CR to the traction-happy Big Honzo. The impact of the Honzo goes well beyond our hardtail range, and has had an influence on all of our bikes since we introduced the original steel Honzo. Quick handling and fun, no matter where you take them, you can’t help but swing a leg over a Honzo and notice that something’s different… in a good way.

Honzo CR Trail DL

MOUNTAIN Trail Enduro 29" Front Suspension

Honzo CR Trail

MOUNTAIN Trail Enduro 29" Front Suspension

Honzo CR Race

MOUNTAIN Trail Enduro 29" Front Suspension

Honzo AL/DL

MOUNTAIN Trail Enduro 29" Front Suspension

Honzo AL/DR

MOUNTAIN Trail Enduro 29" Front Suspension

Honzo AL

MOUNTAIN Trail Enduro 29" Front Suspension

Honzo ST

MOUNTAIN Trail Enduro 29" No Suspension

Big Honzo DL

MOUNTAIN Trail Enduro 27.5"+ Front Suspension

Big Honzo

MOUNTAIN Trail Enduro 27.5"+ Front Suspension